Sunday, July 01, 2007


Here is a picture of Chevy, which I've been promising my mom I would post. Notice our brand new leather furniture that he's made himself right at home on (Scout is super excited about that):

Call me crazy, but we got another dog. How am I supposed to say no to such a cute puppy in need of a home? Really. How do I do that? Her name is Kansas, but we call her Luci (short for Lucifer). She is the WORST dog I've ever had. We're hoping she grows out of it. Just another one of our animals getting cozy on our expensive furniture:

And Daisy. She's gotten so big, but she is just as cute as she was as a puppy. The most ironic thing is that she is the BEST dog I've ever had: calm, obedient, and content in any situation. Love her to death. And gasp, she's a Pitbull:

And how is it that the most hideous tree in the winter can be the most beautiful tree in the spring? I came so close to having Scout rip this thing out when it was all sticks. Good thing I didn't:

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