My dear friend, Sarah, who's been fretting about the gifts she's made (and shouldn't have been), sent the most beautiful hand knit blanket. The thing I love most about it is that it isn't the traditional blue that everyone having a boy seems to be enthralled with (and orange is one of my most favorite colors ever). And if you look closely, it has a "T" in the middle, for Tucker. I couldn't get a picture that captured how amazing it really is:

And what person that was a child in the eighties doesn't just love Charlie Brown? I loved this fabric when I first saw that she had it, and Sarah somehow remembered - and saved the fabric - for this wonderful little quilt (which, by the way, I thought was store bought because it was so wonderfully made - and I'm a quilter myself):

To top it all off, she also sent a little photo album/scrapbook. Funny thing is, the night before we were at Target trying to pick one out and they were all hideous. We left without buying one, and I'm glad because the one Sarah sent is perfect.
I know how hard it is to put all kinds of time and effort into a gift, not knowing what the reaction is going to be (or if there will even be one - I won't even get into the non-reaction I recently received when I knit something for a friend of mine). But for me, that's what makes these gifts truly wonderful - that Sarah probably thought about Tucker the whole time she was making these blankets - particularly when her sewing machine was acting like an asshole during the last two inches of the quilt.
So thank you, Sarah. I can't even tell you how much I love it all.
wow what a great friend and so talented as well. love the quilt -- especialy the lime green binding.
aunt penny
Yay yay yay...I am so glad you like them.
You really are blessed to have such a wonderful friend :)
Hi! I came over to see what Sarah sent you (she is amazingly talented even if she let the sewing machine beat up on her) and to wish you luck and congratulations and all that stuff.
I'm excited for you!
Absolutely beautiful! I wish I knew how to knit! I bought one of those kiddie learn-how-to-knit kits and... Well, let's just say it didn't work out.
I can cook.
Orange is one of my favorite colors too!! That blanket is AMAZING and I can see the "T". :)
Charlie Brown and the gang are wonderful...but, not as wonderful as Sarah.
Is she crafty or what!?
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