Friday, February 29, 2008

Dogs and Goats

The perfect combination. (Thanks to Sarah, who knows that dogs and goats are at the top of my Favorite Things Ever List.)


The Mrs. said...

looks so odd, just it seems so right. : )

Guard Wife said...

Very cute.

CaliValleyGirl said...

So adorable! I love stories like that. Our neighboors had a huge Great Dane that they would let run around in their backyard. And one evening they called him in, and he was sitting down with his back to them. And they called and called, and he refused to come in. So they walked over to him, and found that between his paws was a little kitten sleeping. And he just looked at them with puppy dog eyes: "can I keep her?" They really didn't want a cat, but they gave in because the dog wanted her. And he also became the kitty's daddy. So cute: a giant Dane with this little kitten!

Vypergirl said...

That boxer looks almost exactly like my Olde English Bulldogge, Gunny! Sweet story!!

debey said...

Luke & I are going to greatg~pa's farm today, to see the goats...Luke proclaims ''i hate goats'' but I'm taking the camera, just in case!