Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Question of the Day:

Why is it that when pets have an instant urge to vomit or have diarrhea, they will run to the 10% carpeted area of a home rather than the 90% tiled area?

Perplexing, isn't it?


Heidi said...

I was thinking the same thing but about kids . . . the boy seems to like to forget the rug isn't the potty!

Nicole said...

Two weeks ago, I woke up to that extremely loud churtling (is that a word?) sound that comes out of Lucy's stomach when she's about to get sick. I freaked, pulled her off of the bed, and ran her out to the wood floor in the living room where she proceeded to launch her contents onto the LITTLE rug that sits by the door...amidst an ENTIRE room of wood!!! I understand. :)

Anonymous said...

I think we've about 5% carpeted area, and both dogs crap on it!!!

debey said...

i'm with heidi!!!!only i'm thinking teenaged kids, after beer/whiskey....just wait!!

Sarah said...

Charlie must've been allergic to something in the carpet in our old apartment, because he threw up nearly every night. I've gotten so good that once I wake to that "churtling" sound, I can bolt out of bed, grab him, and hold him over the toilet so he barfs in it! Months of practice though...

Dick said...

Because they know it irritates us.

I'm typing this ridiculous code in the comment too.


debey said...

are those dogs STILL puking???