And the coolest surprise came yesterday, from a dear friend of mine (along with a note that said, "I'm sending along some of our favorite things." - best idea ever, if you ask me):

(Not to mention the money that my Aunt Penny sent for our anniversary, and all the other things that my parents have helped us out with. Blogging about all of the fun gifts is going to make me one busy girl.)
Yay!! Glad the goodies arrived safely.
thanks so much for acknowledging the card etc. -- it's not about the attention as much as it is knowing it got their. know it wasn't much but whatever you use it towards think about your uncle bruce and i who have been married 21 years and are on our way to 21 more. couldn't have a better best friend he is truly a gem.
Three cheers for loot!
And I don't even know what half that stuff in the second picture is for. I don't know how people figure out what on earth babies like.
glad you liked the car seat. camo baby seat??? do they sell shotguns for kids his size? i know you'll have him out at the hog hunt next year.
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